The Cyber Championship Logo.
The Cyber Championship Logo.


The Cyber Championship Logo.
An image of Clippy.
Welcome to the show!
A yellow smiley face. A gif of the word 'welcome' in red, flipping vertically. A yellow smiley face.

Hello! You've made it to the hub for the newest and coolest internet gameshow brought to you by Clippit "Clippy" Atteberry and Spamton G. Spamton! Stay tuned for updates on the upcoming web sensation.

What is Cyber Championship? Learn more on the about page.

An image of Spamton.
Currently Featured


The first character of Cyber Championship has been revealed!
Who is this mystery individual? Find out in the blog!


Cyber Championship Overview

Cyber Championship is a high-octane roleplaying strategic game similar to Total Drama and Survivor!

Failed digital personalities Clippy and Spamton have come together to launch their greatest cash grab yet: a reality TV show! They gather 28 famous characters to participate as (totally voluntary) contestants... and romp across the world-wide-web, dragging them through zany challenges to crown the Cyber Champion!

Learn more on the about page.

  1. 4/15/24: The Cyber Championship website is almost ready for launch. Are you ready? Read the full post here

  2. 4/12/24: There was never actually an update log for this date, this is just a test.

  3. 4/10/24: Hello world!

DISCLAIMER: Cyber Championship is a completely unofficial fan-made roleplaying project. All characters used by its managers and participants belong to their respective owners.