The Cyber Championship Logo.
The Cyber Championship Logo.


The Cyber Championship Logo.
Welcome to the blog page!
4/23/2024 ~ An Elite Team

{This blog post is written in-character.}

Log 1: Gathering employees!

Hello world! Clippy here.

CYBER CHAMPIONSHIP isn't like other reality TV shows. Instead of paying a bunch of money buying a remote island or building an entire city to put the contestants in, Spamton and I are sticking to our wheelhouse: the digital world! We took my old PC from my days at Microsoft and constructed a cutting-edge virtual world for the contestants to lodge in! Plus, to assure maximum engagement from viewers, we'll be touring the World Wide Web via my trusty Explorer browser, stopping at elite websites. It will be amazing... and much more interesting than competiting shows!

However, due to how ambitious this setup is... even I can't do it alone. Along with Spammy, I've gathered an elite staff team to help manage the show! Some are fellow former Office Assistants, others are brand new recruits.

  • Monika: Human Resources
  • Miko: Chief Security Officer
  • Sharkle: Public Relations Officer
  • BOB: Chief Finnance Officer
  • Dot: Administrative Assistant
  • Finder: Head of Navigation

I'll provide more information on their 'Cast' page entries. With their help, the show will go smoothly. It better... finding some of these people was a hassle!

~ Clippit

4/22/2024 ~ Hello World!

{This blog post is written in-character.}

Log 0: First blog post!

Hello world!

I'm Clippit C. Attebery, but you can call me Clippy. I bring you: the first ever CYBER CHAMPIONSHIP blog post. Don't expect much: is just a test post to see if the website's working. If you're reading this, then it looks like this part of my project is complete! I'm extremely excited to launch this competition. It's been in the works for roughly six months now. During that time, and Spammy and I have been forced to remain underground, quietly working from the shadows. I'm perfectly capable of lying low; I've had to stay out the public eye for over twenty years... but Spamton? Not so much. He lives for attention. If you've ever seen anything about this show early, it's probably because of him. I like fame too, it's just that I'm used to staying out of sight. Fortunately... that will all change soon!

Stay tuned, because Clippy and Spamton are making a comeback!

~ Clippit

DISCLAIMER: Cyber Championship is a completely unofficial fan-made roleplaying project. All characters used by its managers and participants belong to their respective owners.